M. Sabesh and A. H. Prakash. Window of opportunity in natural fiber for Atmanirbhar Bharat. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 36(1), 9-18 (January, 2022).
A.H. Prakash, M. Sabesh. Controbution of AICRP on cotton in changing Indian cotton Scenario, International Cotton Researchers Association (ICAC) Page:22-29, 2022
A. Manivannan, K. P. M. Dhamayanthi and K. Rathinavel. Digenic inheritance of cleistogamous flowering type in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(2), 193-19 (2021).
K. Thamizhi, L. Mahalingam, N. Premalatha, P. Latha and A. Manivannan. Morphological characterization of Gossypium arboreum germplasm using qualitative descriptors. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding Vol 12(3):741 – 747 (2021).
A. Manivannan, K. P. M. Dhamayanthi and K. Rathinavel. Digenic inheritance of cleistogamous flowering type in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(2), 193-196 (July, 2021).
A. Manivannan, K. P. M. Dhamayanthi and K. Rathinavel. Digenic inheritance of cleistogamous flowering type in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(2), 193-196 (July, 2021) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
N Arunkumar, J Gulsar Banu, N Gopalakrishnan and A H Prakash. Efficacy of Lipase-Producing, Wax-degrading Bacteria against the Solenopsis Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and the Striped Mealybug, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) on Cotton. Pakistan J. Zool., pp 1-10,2021.DOI: ttps://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.pjz/20191107111143.
S. Usha Rani and Anuradha Narala. Gender friendliness of transfer of technology programs in cotton. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(1), 131-139 (January, 2021) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
K Shankarganesh, V S Nagrare, M Amutha, Selvi C and S Bagyaraj. Effect of Insecticides on Susceptibility Level and Detoxifying Enzymes in Cotton Leafhopper Amrasca (Sundapteryx) Biguttula (Ishida). Indian Journal of Entomology 83(2021) Online published Ref. No. e20418 DoI No.: 10.5958/0974-8172.2021.00136.X.
K Shankarganesh, K Rameash, C Selvi and S Bagyaraj. Antioxidant Enzymes in Cotton Mealy Bug Phenacoccus Solenopsis Tinsley Exposed to High Temperature. Indian Journal of Entomology 83(2021) Online published Ref. No. e20419 DoI No.: 10.5958/0974-8172.2021.00106.1.
K Sankaranarayanan, A Manivannan and A H Prakash. An approach for developing compactness measurement indices in cotton (Gossypium spp.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (3): 490–2, March 2021/Short Communication.
K Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash, A Manivannan and M Sabesh. Assessing production potential and quality parameters of ELS cotton (Gossypium barbadense) genotypes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (6): 876–9, June 2021/Article.
K. Sankaranarayanan, M. V. Venugopalan and D. Kanjana. Assessment of production potential of long linted Gossypium arboreum L. genotypes under different sowing times. Natl Res Cent (2021) 45:106 https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-021-00566-2.
Anoop Kumar, Ajanta Birah, R K Tanwar, M K Khokhar, S P Singh, D Monga, Rishi Kumar and J K Arora. Validation of IPM strategy in Bt cotton in whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) hot spot of North-West India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 91 (7): 1088–92, July 2021/Article.
M.V Venugopalan, G.I Ramkrushna, A.J. Bagadkar, M. Sabesh and S.B. Giredkar. Evaluation of the Productivity Potential of Contempory G. arboreum Cotton Genotypes on Vertic Haplustepts under Rainfed Conditions. Agropedology 2021, 30(02), 105-112. doi.org/10.47114/j.agroped.2021.dec1.
S.K. Sain, D. Monga, Amarpreet Singh, S.K. Bishnoi, Pooja Verma, S.K. Verma, Rishi Kumar and O.P. Tuteja. Determining the prominent factors contributing to the occurrence of sudden wilt in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(1), 107-113 (January, 2021) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
Satish Kumar Sain, Dilip Monga, Neelkanth S. Hiremani, Dipak T. Nagrale, Sandhya Kranthi, Rishi Kumar, Keshav Raj Kranthi, O. P. Tuteja, Vijay N. Waghmare. Evaluation of bioefficacy potential of entomopathogenic fungi against the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) on cotton under polyhouse and field conditions. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 183 (2021) 107618.
Surender K. Verma, O.P. Tuteja, V.N. Waghmare and R.K. Giri Improvement of G. arboreum cotton for fibre quality traits vis-a-vis seed cotton yield under north Indian conditions. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 35(1), 12-18 (January, 2021) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
S. K. Verma, Shaifali Goyal and O. P. Tuteja. Line x tester mating design analysis with GMS based system for seed cotton yield, its component traits and fibre quality parameters in Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.). https://doi.org/10.37992/2021.1201.015 Vol 12(1):97 – 103.
ISABELLA AGARWAL* AND ANURADHA NARALA. Comparing predictive accuracy through price forecasting models in
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KPM Dhamayanthi, K Rameash, A Manivannan, Annie Sheeba and S Abirami. Studies on leaf hairiness and sucking pest resistance in Egyptian cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(1): 591-594.
A. Manivannan. Analysis of Multi-Environment Yield Trails of Clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] Genotypes using GGE Biplot. Legume Research- An International Journal, Volume 43 Issue 5: 698-701.
A. Manivannan, D. Kanjana, B. Dharajothi, B. Meena. Evaluation of resistance in cotton genotypes against leafhoppers Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida), (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00416-0
A. Manivannan & D. Kanjana & B. Dharajothi & B. Meena. Evaluation of resistance in cotton genotypes against leafhoppers Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida), (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00416-0.
P. Valarmathi. Antibiotics- Miracle Drugs as Crop Protectants: A Review Agricultural Reviews, Volume 41 Issue 1: 43-50 (March 2020).
D. Blaise, A. Manikandan, P. Verma, P. Nalayini, M. Chakraborty, K.R. Kranthi. Allelopathic intercrops and its mulch as an integrated weed management strategy for rainfed Bt-transgenic cotton hybrids.Crop Protection 135 (2020) 105214.
K. Shankarganesh, C. Selvi & C. Karpagam. Effects of thermal stress on the antioxidant defenses in Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink parasitized by Acerophagus papayae Noyes & Schauff. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00222-8.
D. Kanjana. Evaluation of Foliar Application of Different Types of Nanofertilizers on Growth, Yield and Quality Parameters and Nutrient Concentration of Cotton under Irrigated Condition. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(7): 429-441.
D. Kanjana. Foliar application of magnesium oxide nanoparticles on nutrient element concentrations, growth, physiological, and yield parameters of cotton. Journal of Plant Nutrition 2020, Vol. 43, No. 20, 3035–3049, https://doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2020.1799001.
T Senthil kumar, K Sankaranarayanan and S J K Annamalai. Optimization of functional components of the developed planters forhigh-density cotton. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (12): 2313–6, December 2020/Article.
Isabella Agarwal and Anuradha Narala. Comparing predictive accuracy through price forecasting models in cotton. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 34 (1) 146-157 (January, 2020) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
A. Manivannan, D. Kanjana, B. Dharajothi & B. Meena. Evaluation of resistance in cotton genotypes against leafhoppers Amrasca biguttula iguttula (Ishida), (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00416-0.
M. Deepika, M. Asokhan and S. Usha Rani. Knowledge level of ELS cotton growers in Vellore district – An analysis. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 34 (1) 129-134 (January, 2020) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
Anuradha Narala and S. Usha Rani. Women in Cotton Farming in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra. Indian Journal of Extension Education Volume 56, No.2, 2020 (1-6).
S. Usha Rani– Central Institute for Cotton Research, India Is Yield Always a Concern to Indian Cotton?. Cotton: Review of the World Situation, Vol. 74 Num. 1, September 2020.
A. Sampath Kumar, K. Eraivan Arutkani Aiyanathan, S. Nakkeeran and S. Manickam. Validation of Screening Technique for Cotton Bacterial Blight Resistance under Controlled Condition. Kumar et al.,CJAST, 39(7): 138-145, 2020; Article no.CJAST. 57503.
P. Valarmathi and K.P.M. Dhamayanthi. Occurrence and distribution of tobacco streak virus (TSV) in the germplasm of ELS cotton Gossypium barbadense. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 34 (1) 92-98 (January, 2020) ISSN No. 0972-8619.
P Valarmathi, Emerging plant viruses in cotton. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2020; Sp 9(4): 22-27 DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/phyto.2020.v9.i4Sa.11891.
P. Valarmathi, Host range studies of Tobacco Streak Virus infecting Cotton. Research Article Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 28 (2): 147-150 (July, 2020) doi: 10.5958/0974-0163.2020.00039.7.
K Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash and K Rajendran. Effect of sowing time on productivity of Bt and non Bt cotton under climate change. Sankaranarayanan et al. Bulletin of the National Research Centre (2020) 44:146 https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-020-00400-1.
P Valarmathi and K P M Dhamayanthi. Serological assay of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) in the different plant parts of germplasm and advance generations of Gossypium barbadense. Indian Journal of Plant Protection Vol. 48 No. 3, 2020 (206-209).
K. Shankarganesh & C. Selvi & C. Karpagam. Effects of thermal stress on the antioxidant defenses in Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink parasitized by Acerophagus papayae Noyes & Schauff International. Journal of Tropical Insect Science https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00222-8.
Laneesha M, Sachin S Suroshe, Babasaheb B F And K.Shankarganesh. Papaya mealybug (Paracoccus marginatus) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): A new threat to agri-horticulture ecosystem. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (3): 00-00, March 2020/Review Article.
K. Shankarganesh, K. Rameash and C. Selvi. Thermal Stress: A Major Influencing Factor on Development of Phenacoccus solenopsis and Paracoccus marginatus Infesting Major Crops – A Review. JPHI 2020 1(3):091-097.
T Senthilkumar, K Sankaranarayanan and S J K Annamalai. Optimization of functional components of the developed planters for high-density cotton.Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 90 (12): 2313–6, December 2020/Article.
K Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash and K Rajendran. Effect of sowing time on productivity of Bt and non Bt cotton under climate change. National Research Centre (2020) 44:146 https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-020-00400-1.
K Sankaranarayanan, A H Prakash and K Rajendran. Effect of sowing time on productivity of Bt and non Bt cotton under climate change National Research Centre (2020) 44:146 https://doi.org/10.1186/s42269-020-00400-1
Vijay Kumar, Jagdev Singh Kular, Rishi Kumar, Sukhdev Singh Sidhu and Pardeep Kumar Chhuneja. Integrated whitefly [Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)] management in Bt-cotton in North India an agroecosystem-wide community-based approach. Current Science, Vol. 119, No. 4, 25 August 2020.
Rishi Kumar, D. Monga, V. Chinna Babu Naik, Paramjit Singh and V. N. Waghmare. Incipient infestations and threat of pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) on Bollgard-II cotton in the northern cotton-growing zone of India. Current Science, Vol. 118, No. 9, 10 May 2020.
R. K. Giri, S. K. Verma and J. P. Yadav, Combining ability analysis for yield & it’s contributing traits based on multi-environment testing in upland cotton (G.hirsutum L.). https://doi.org/10.37992/2020.1102.073 Vol 11(2):416-424.
M. Sabesh, A.H. Prakash. Inconclusive price Structure of Indian Textile Fivers: An Analysis. Cotton Association of India- Cotton Statistics& News (No.15, 22nd Sep2020)
Satish Kumar Sain, Dilip Monga, Rishi Kumar, Dipak T. Nagrale, Neelakanth S. Hiremani, Sandhya Kranthi. Compatibility of entomopathogenic fungi with insecticides and their efficacy for IPM of Bemisia tabaci in cotton. Journal of Pesticide Science supplementary materials, DOI:10.1584/jpestics.D18-067.
Satish Kumar Sain, Dilip Monga, Man Mohan, Aman Sharma and Jagdish Beniwal. Reduction in Seed Cotton Yield Corresponding with Symptom Severity Grades of Cotton Leaf Curl Disease (CLCuD) in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2020) 9(11): 3063-3076.
A. Manivannan and V. N. Waghmare. Assessment of genetic divergence in diploid cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) germplasm using fibre quality traits. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization; 1–8 doi:10.1017/S1479262120000374.
Prabhulinga T, Sandhya Kranthi, Raghavendra K P, Rishi Kumar & Ruchika Suke & Shilpa Chawla, Keshav Raj Kranthi. Mitochondrial COI based genetic diversity and phylogeographic structure of whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on cotton in India. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-020-00354-x.
R.K. Giri, S.K. Verma, Jaya Parkash Yadav. Generation Mean Analysis for Yield and Its Component Traits in a Diallel Population of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Indian Journal of Agricultural Research.
A. Manivannan and B. Dharajothi. Multivariate Analysis based Characterization of Cotton Germplasm. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(12): 480-487.
KPM. Dhamayanthi and A. Manivannan. Status on Extra Long Staple Cotton in India. Lecture Notes of Exposure Visit cum Capacity Building Program on Cotton Production Technologies held at ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Regional Station, Coimbatore during Nov 18-21, 2019
Santosh, H. B., A. Manivannan and Raghavendra, K. P. Molecular Markers for Crop Improvement. Compendium of Lectures and Training Manual 2019
D Kanjana. Foliar study on effect of iron oxide nanoparticles as an alternate source of iron fertilizer to cotton. International Journal of Chemical Studies 2019; 7(3): 4374-4379.
D Kanjana. Preparation and characterization of Nanoformulated zinc fertilizer by using biopolymer and their effects on cotton. International Journal of Chemical Studies 2019; 7(2): 1530-1537.
Rishi Kumar, Sandhya Kranthi, D Monga, Sandeep Kumar, S K Sain and Alka Chaudhary. Evaluation of moving yellow sticky traps for monitoring and management of whitefly, Bemisia tabaci infesting cotton. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 89 (8): 1245–50, August 2019/Article.
R. Kumar, A. Choudhary, S. Kumar & Shivangi. Frequency of alleles conferring resistance to Bt cotton in North Zone populations of the spotted bollworm, Earias insulana (Boisduval). African Entomology 27(1): 58–65 (2019), DOI: https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0058.
A.H. Prakash, K. Sankaranayaranan and M. Sabesh. AICRP on Cotton – Fifty Years of Tireless Research on Nutritional Management for Sustainable Cotton Production. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 15 (4) : 450-464, April 2019.
M. Sabesh, A.H. Prakash. Fibers for Future – an Indian Perspective. Cotton Association of India- Cotton Statistics& News (No. 25, 17th September 2019)
M. Sabesh, A.H. Prakash. Does Indian Cotton Engine Need New Track?. Cotton Association of India- Cotton Statistics& News (No.20, 13th August 2019)
Satish Kumar Sain, D. Monga, Rishi Kumar, Dipak T. Nagrale, Sandhya Kranthi and Keshav Raj Kranthi. Comparative effectiveness of bioassay methods in identifying the most virulent entomopathogenic fungal strains to control Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Sain et al. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control (2019) 29:31 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41938-019-0130-z.
Satish Kumar Sain, Dilip Monga, Rishi Kumar, Dipak T. Nagrale, Neelakanth S. Hiremani and Sandhya Kranthi. Compatibility of entomopathogenic fungi with insecticides and their efficacy for IPM of Bemisia tabaci in cotton. J. Pestic. Sci. 44(2), 97–105 (2019) DOI: 10.1584/jpestics.D18-067.
A. Kumar, S.K. Sain and D. Monga. Study on Correlation between Population of Viruliferous Whitefly and the Percent Intensity of Cotton Leaf Curl Disease in Cotton. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 922-937.
ISABELLA AGARWAL* AND GAUTAM MAJUMDAR Needs and gaps of cotton mechanisation in India J. Cotton Res. Dev. 32 (2) 292-299 (July, 2018)
ISSN No. 0972-8619
S.L. Ahuja, D. Monga, Rishi Kumar and S.K. Sain. Evaluation of Advance Generation Populations of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) ( for High Ginning Out Turn Percent and Yield. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(9): 3097-3105.
A. Manivannan, Punit Mohan, M. Saravanan and V. N. Waghmare. Morphological characterization of asiatic cotton ( (G. arboreum) germplasm of India. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9 (2): 673-681 (June 2018) ISSN 0975-928X.
K.P.M. Dhamayanthi, A. Manivannan and M. Saravanan. Evaluation of new germplasm of Egyptian cotton ( (G. barbadense) through multivariate genetic component analysis. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 9(4): 1348-1354 (Dec 2018).
Amutha M. Potential of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana as an endophyte in cotton. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(6): 558-561.
A. Manivannan and V. N. Waghmare. Assessment of genetic divergence in diploid cotton( (Gossypium arboreum L.) germplasm using fibre quality traits. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization; 1–8 doi:10.1017/S1479262120000374.
Sankaranarayanan K, Prakash AH and Rajendran K. Glyphosate selectivity by non-transgenic methods and efficacy of weed control in cotton ( (Gossypium hirsutum L). International Journal of Chemical Studies 2018; 6(1): 521-526.
K. Sankaranarayanan, Jagvir Singh and K.Rajendran. Identification of suitable high density planting system genotypes its response to different levels of fertilizers compared with Bt cotton. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 32 (1) 84-96 (January, 2018).
Rishi Kumar, Jun-Ce Tian, Steven E. Naranjo, and Anthony M. Shelton. Effects of Bt Cotton on Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera Thripidae) and Its Predator, Orius insidiosus ( (Hemiptera Anthocoridae). Journal of Economic Entomology Vol.107, no. 3.
Rishi Kumar, S. Kranthi, M. Nitharwal, S. L. Jat & D. Monga. Influence of pesticides and application methods on pest and predatory arthropods associated with cotton Phytoparasitica. DOI 10.1007/s12600-012-0241-5.
M. Sabesh. Hope and Scope for Enhancing Cotton Production in Africa. The ICAC Recorder, September 2018 Volume XXXVI, No. 3
Md. Farid Uddin, Md. Fakhre Alam lbne Tabib, Md. Kamrul Islam, Washington Mubvekeri, M. Sabesh, Usha Rani Joshua. Novel Ideas to Enhance Cotton Production and Value of By-products in Africa. The ICAC Recorder, September 2018. Volume XXXVI, No. 3
M. Sabesh & A.H. Prakash. Higher Cotton Productivity in Africa -A Socio Economic Analysis. The ICAC Recorder; December 2018. Volume XXXVI, No. 4
S. K. Sain, N. Sathyanarayana and P. Jeyakumar. Evaluation of biodegradable agricultural substrates for mass production of entomopathogenic fungi. Indian Journal of Plant Protection Vol.46. No.1, 2018 (78-83).
S. K. Sain, D. Monga & H. Dewasi. First report of downy mildew caused by Bremia lactucae on Sonchus asper L. (Hill) and S. tenerrimus L. in Haryana, India. Indian Phytopathology (2018) 71:465–467, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42360-018-0047-6.
A. Manivannan. Characterization of pearl millet hybrids and their parental lines by seed storage protein markers. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8(1): 371-378 (March 2017). ISSN 0975-928X
A. Manivannan, C.R. Anandakumar, A. Yuvaraja and N. Sritharan. Genetic variability and interrelationship among biochemical traits of Indian clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) germplasm. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8(3): 842-848 (September 2017). ISSN 0975-928X
Jegadeeswaran, A Manivannan, S Mohan, G Pavithradevi, AP Salini, CR Anandakumar and M Maheswaran. Characterization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) land races and cultivars using agro morphological traits. Oryza Vol. 54 No. 1, 2017 (89-96).
Avinash Singode, Manivannan A, Bilal Ahmad, Ekta Srivastava and Vinay Mahajan.
Heterotic Grouping in Early Maturing Indian Maize Lines. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. Volume 6, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 2319-1473 (2017).
K. Shankarganesh, B. Paul & N.C. Naveen.
Eco-toxicological effect of insecticides on the larval parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). African Entomology 25(2): 367–374 (2017).
Deeba Kamil, T Prameeladevi, Sankar Ganesh, N Prabhakaran, R Nareshkumar & Shan P Thomas.
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles by entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana and their bioefficacy against mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.). Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 55, August 2017, pp. 555-561.
Suresh Dharavath, R.K.Sharma, J.P. Singh, Shankar Ganesh and S.R. Sinha.
Evaluation of brinjal germplasm against major insect pests and predators. Indian Journal of Entomology, 79(1): 95-103 (2017) DOI No.: 10.5958/0974-8172.2017.00021.9.
Rishi Kumar, Sandhya Kranthi, V. S. Nagrare, D. Monga, Keshav Raj Kranthi, Naveen Rao & Amarpreet Singh.
Insecticidal activity of botanical oils and other neem-based derivatives against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)Homoptera Aleyrodidae) on cotton. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42690-019-00027-4.
Joy Das, K. P. Raghavendra, H. B. Santosh, M. Sabesh and K. R. Kranthi.
Cotton DNA Traceability Technologies. The ICAC Recorder. Vol. XXXV No. 3 Sep 2017.
Sandhya Kranthi, Amol Bharat Ghodke, Raghavendra K. Puttuswamy, Madhumita Mandle, Ritu Nandanwar, Usha Satija, Rishi Kumar Pareek, Himanshu Desai, Shashikant S. Udikeri, Dhara Jothi Balakrishna, Bheemanna M. Hugar, Dilip Monga & Keshav R. Kranthi.
Mitochondria COI-based genetic diversity of the cotton leafhopper Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) populations from India. MITOCHONDRIAL DNA PART A, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/24701394.2016.1275595.
S. K. Verma, O. P. Tuteja and S. L. Ahuja.
Combining ability estimates for seed cotton yield and quality characters of parents and crosses based on genetic male sterility in Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.). Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 8(4): 1046-1052 (Dec 2017), ISSN 0975-928X, DOI: 10.5958/0975-928X.2017.00155.7.
Khushboo Sethi, Priyanka Siwach and Surender Kumar Verma.
Linkage Disequilibrium and Association Mapping of Fibre Quality Traits in Elite Asiatic Cotton (Gossypium arboreum) Germplasm Populations. Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 53, 2017 (4): 159–167, doi: 10.17221/142/2016-CJGPB.
ISABELLA AGARWAL* Economic implications of Indian cotton economy under WTO regimeJ. Cotton Res. Dev. 30 (1) 135-142 (January, 2016)
A. Manivannan, C. R. Anandakumar, R. Ushakumari & G. S. Dahiya. Characterization of Indian Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) Genotypes Using Qualitative Morphological Traits. Genet Resour Crop Evol (2016) 63:483-493 DOI 10.1007/s10722-015-0266-y.
G.K. Sujayanand, R.K. Sharma and K. Shankarganesh. Impact of intercrops and border crops on pest incidence in okra. Indian J. Hort. 73(2), June 2016: 219-223.
K. Sankaranarayanan, M.V. Venugopalan and K. Rajendran. Pulses are companion crop for soil fertility improvement and pest control in cotton (Gossypium species) . Indian Journal of Agronomy 61 (4th IAC Special issue): S230-S237 (2016).
S. K. Sain & N. Sathyanarayana. Low – Cost farmer’s friendly technology can make the difference: A case study on Trichoderma sp. Indian Phytopath. 69 (4s): 260-265 (2016).
Karuppan Shankarganesh, N. C. Naveen & Paul Bishwajeet. Effect of Insecticides on Different Stages of Predatory Green Lacewing, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Esben.-Petersen) </b
Cotton productivity in the districts of Maharashtra: (TFP) approach
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Yield gap and constraints analysis of cotton in India
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A Manivannan, CR Anandakumar, R Ushakumari and GS Dahiya. Genetic Diversity of Guar Genotypes (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) Based on agro-morphological TRAITS Bangladesh. J. Bot. 44(1): 59-65, (March 2015)
R. Kumar, j. Kaul, R. B. Dubey, A. Singode, Chikkappa G. K., A. Manivannan and M. K. Debnath. Assessment of Drought Tolerance in Maize (Zea mays L.) Based on Different Indices Sabrao. Journal of Breeding and Genetics 47 (3) 291-298, 2015.
G. K. Sujayanand, R. K. Sharma, K. Shankarganesh, Supradip Saha and R. S. Tomar. Crop diversification for sustainable insect pest management in eggplant (Solanales:Solanaceae). 2015- Florida Entomologist – Volume 98, No. 1.
K. Sankaranarayanan & P. Nalayini. Performance and behaviour of Bt cotton hybrids under sub-optimal rainfall situation, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 61:8,1179-1197(2015), DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2014.986112.
Rishi Kumar, D Monga, Mukesh Nitharwal, Dinesh Swami and Satnam Singh. Incidence of non-target pest species and validation of IPM strategies in Bt strategies in Btcotton hybrids deployed with different events of cry genes. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 85 (11): 1448–54, November 2015/Article.
S.K. Verma, Muniya Dhanda and Raj Kumar Salar. Analysis of genetic diversity among Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.) cultivars and breeding lines using RAPD and SSR markers Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol.Sci. 2(3): (2015): 114–122.
Saloni Tyagi, S.K. Verma, Kiran Nehra and D.R. Bajya. Molecular marker based genetic diversity analysis in cotton using RAPD and SSR markers. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 29 (2) 232-236 (July, 2015).
Logan-Young, Carla Jo, Yu, John Z., Verma, Surender K, Percy, Richard G., and Pepper, Alan E. SNP Discovery in Complex Allotetraploid Genomes (Gossypium spp., Malvaceae) Using Genotyping by Sequencing. Applications in Plant Sciences 2015 3 (3): 1400077, doi:10.3732/apps.1400077.
Mohammed Ibrahim Elbashir, Bishwajeet Paul, K. Shankarganesh, Ram Das Gautam And Pratibha Sharma. Pathogenicity of Indian Isolates of Entomopathogenic Fungi Against Important Insect Pests And Natural Enemies. Indian Journal of Entomology, 76(1): 37-43 (2014).
G K Sujay Anand, R K Sharma and K Shankarganesh. Evaluation of bio-efficacy and compatibility of emamectin benzoate with neem based biopesticide against fruit borers of brinjal and okra. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (6): 746–53, June 2014/Article.
V. S. Nagrare, Rishi Kumar, B. Dharajothi. A record of five mealybug species as minor pests of cotton in India. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2014; 2 (4): 110-114.
M. Sabesh, M. Ramesh, A. H. Prakash, G. Bhaskaran. Is There any Shift in Cropping Pattern in Maharashtra after the Introduction of Bt Cotton?. Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, January-June 2014.
M. Sabesh, A. H. Prakash, G. Bhaskaran. Shift in Indian Cotton Scenario due to Shift in Cotton Production Technology. Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, January-June 2014.
S. USHA RANI, S.M.WASNIK and M. SABESH. A Critical Analysis on Issues Faced by Cotton Growers and Labourers in Hybrid Cotton Seed Production. Cotton Research Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, January-June 2014.
Khushboo Sethi, Priyanka Siwach and Surender Kumar Verma. Genetic improvement of Gossypium arboreum L. using molecular markers Status and development needs. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.9(29), pp.2238-2249, 17 July, 2014 DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2014.8682.
A. Manivannan, and C. R. Anandakumar. Genetic Divergence Studies in Clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] Genotypes. Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 6 (10) (October 2013).
A. Manivannan and C. R. Anandakumar. Genetic variability, character association and path analysis in clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub). Journal of Food Legumes 26(3 & 4): 34-37, (2013).
A. Manivannan, A.K. Chhabra and Somveer Nimbal. Characterization of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (l.) r. br.] Genotypes by using Superoxide dismutase (sod) isozyme. Indian J. Agric. Res.., 47 (6): 471 – 479, (2013).
Manivannan, A., Somveer Nimbal and Chhabra, A. K. Peroxidase Isozyme characterization of elite genotypes of Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br). African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 8(28), pp. 3662-3667, 26 July, 2013.
K. Shankarganesh, Bishwajeet Paul & R. D. Gautam. Studies on Ecological Safety of Insecticides to Egg Parasitoids, Trichogramma chilonis Ishii and Trichogramma brasiliensis (Ashmead). National Academy Science Letters ISSN 0250-541X Volume 36 Number 6 Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. (2013) 36:581-585 DOI 10.1007/s40009-013-0172-9.
G K Sujay Anand, R K Sharma, K Shankarganesh, S R Sinha and K Sharma. Efficacy of Newer Insecticides against Sucking Insect Pests of Okra. Indian Journal of Plant Protection Vol. 41. No. 2, 2013 (113-115) 113.
GK Sujay Anand, RK Sharma and K Shankarganesh. Efficacy of Newer Insecticides against Leaf Hopper and Whitefly Infesting Brinjal and its Effect on Coccinellids. Pesticide Research Journal Vol. 25(1): 6-11, June 2013.
G. Guru Pirasanna Pandi, Bishwajeet Paul, Shah Vivek and K. Shankarganesh. Relative toxicity of insecticides against Coccinellid beetle, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius). Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 21 (1): 17-20 (March, 2013).
CS Praharaj, K Sankaranarayanan, KK Singh and AK Tripathi. Village group approach for enhanced prosperity and livelihood security through conservation of resources – An overview. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences 5(2): 167-174 (December 2013).
S K Verma, O P Tuteja, and D Monga. Studies on stability parameters and sustainability index for selecting stable genotypes in Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 83 (12): 1377–80, December 2013/Article.
Rishi Kumar, V. S. Nagrare, Mukesh Nitharwal, Dinesh Swami & Y. G. Prasad. Within-plant distribution of an invasive mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis, and associated losses in cotton Phytoparasitica. DOI 10.1007/s12600-013-0361-6.
V. Mahajan, G. K. Chikkappa, B. Kumar, R. Sai Kumar, Bilal Ahmad, Manivannan and V. Kumar. Performance of single cross maize hybrids during winter season of northern India. Indian J. Genet., 72(3): 372-375 (2012).
K. Shankarganesh, Suresh Walia, Swaran Dhingra, B. Subrahmanyam, S. Ramesh Babu. Effect of dihydrodillapiole on pyrethroid resistance associated esterase inhibition in an Indian population of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). esticide Biochemistry and Physiology 102 (2012) 86–90.
G. Guru Pirasanna Pandi, Bishwajeet Paul, Shah Vivek and K. Shankarganesh. Feeding Potential and Biology of Coccinellid Predator Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera) on Aphid Hosts. Indian Journal of Entomology, 74(4): 388-393 (2012).
Shah Vivek, Bishwajeet Paul, G. Guru Pirasanna Pandi and K. Shankarganesh. Relative Toxicity of Insecticides on Larval Stages of Green Lacewing, Chrysoperla Sp. (Carnea-Group) (Chrysopidae: Neuroptera). Indian Journal of Entomology, 74(4): 394-397 (2012).
K Sankaranarayanan, C. S. Praharaj, P. Nalayini, and N. Gopalakrishnan J. Performance of intercrops in Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) hybrid and assessment of its refugia system. Cotton Res. Dev. 26 (1) 52-57 (January, 2012).
V. M. Paikrao, A. B. Dongre, S. S. Pande and M. P. Raut. STMS markers for genetic diversity of Gossypium hirsutum L. core Collection J. Cotton Res. Dev. 26 (2): 147-154 (July, 2012).
K Sankaranarayanan, P Nalayini and C S Praharaj. Multi-tier cropping system to enhance resource utilization, profitablity and sustainablity of Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) production system. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (12): 1044–50, December 2012.
V.S. Nagrare, Rishi Kumar, M. Amutha, B. Dharajothi, S. Kranthi, S. Vennila, A.J. Deshmukh, K.D. Bisane, Manjula, K.R. Kranthi. A record of host plants of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley for devising ecofriendly management strategies. J. ent. Res., 36 (4) : 327-344 (2012).
Rishi Kumar, D Monga, S L Jat, A K Indoria, R Chauhan and K R Kranthi. Impact evaluation of insecticide resistance management strategies in cotton under Technology Mini-Mission on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 82 (10): 852–7, October 2012.
Rishi Kumar, Mukesh Nitharwal, Rahul Chauhan, Vijender Pal and K.R. Kranthi. Evaluation of Ecofriendly Control Methods for Management of Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley in Cotton. Journal of Entomology, 9: 32-40. DOI: 10.3923/je.2012.32.40.
Sangeetha A, Suresh Kumar P and K Shankarganesh. In vitro Evaluation of Plant Products and Bio-control Agents against Colletotrichum capsici Causing Fruit Rot of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.). Pesticide Research Journal Vol. 23(2): 164-167, December 2011.
K Sankaranarayanan, C S Praharaj, P Nalayini and N Gopalakrishnan. Growth, yield and quality of Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrid under varied planting patterns, NPK levels and seasonal variations. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81 (9): 871–4, September 2011.
K. Sankaranarayanan, C.S. Praharaj, P. Nalayini and N. Gopalakrishnan. Evaluation of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) and non-Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrids under varied planting time. Indian Journal of Agronomy 56 (1): 68-73 (March 2011).
K. Sankaranarayanan, C.S. Praharaj, P. Nalayini and N. Gopalakrishnan. Grain legume as a doable remunerative intercrop in rainfed cotton. Journal of Food Legumes 24(1): 18-22, 2011.
CS Praharaj, K Sankaranarayanan, Narendra Kumar, KK Singh and AK Tripathi. Low-input technologies for increasing crop productivity and sustainability: A review. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences 3(1): 1-12 (June 2011).
D. Monga, Kishor Chand Kumhar and Rishi Kumar. Compatibility of Fusarium pallidoroseum with insecticides. Journal of Biological Control, 25 (1): 60–61, 2011.
Rishi Kumar, Dinesh Swami, Kishor Chand Kumhar and R. S. Bhawaria. New Formulation of Acephate and Other Insecticides Against Sucking Pests in Cotton. Indian Journal of Plant Protection Vol.39. No. 3, 2011 (236-238).
Rishi Kumar, D. Monga, M. Nitharwal, S. L. Jat and Kishor Chand Kumhar. Validation of eco-friendly integrated pest management (IPM) packages in Bt cotton at farmer’s participatory field. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 25(2) 243-247 (July, 2011).
2005 - 2010
A. Manivannan, J. Kaul, A. Singode and S. Dass. Callus induction and regeneration of elite Indian maize Inbreds. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(44), pp. 7446-7452, 1 November, 2010.
K Sankaranarayanan, C S Praharaj, P Nalayini, K K Bandyopadhyay and N Gopalakrishnan. Climate change and its impact on cotton (Gossypium sp.) Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80 (7): 561–75, July 2010.
K. Sankaranarayanan, C.S. Praharaj, P. Nalayini, K.K Bandyopadhyay and N. Gopalakrishnan. Low cost drip as a precision irrigation tool in Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Cultivation. Indian Journal of Agronomy 55 (4): 312-318 (December 2010).
K Sankaranarayanan, C S Praharaj, P Nalayini, K K Bandyopadhyay and N Gopalakrishnan. Effect of magnesium, zinc, iron and boron application on yield and quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80 (8): 699–703, August 2010.
Rishi Kumar, Shravan Lal Jat, Vijander Pal and Rahul Chauhan Biology of the mealy bug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Psuedococcidaeo) cotton in India. ENTOMON 34(3): 189-192(2010), Short Communication No. ent.34309.
Rishi Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, D. Monga and S.C. Dhiman. Off-Season Survival of Mealybug and its Impact on Succeeding Cotton Crop. Indian Journal of Entomology, 72(1): 57-59 (2010).
Sain Dass, J. Kaul, Manivannan, Avinash Singode and G. K. Chikkappa. Single cross hybrid maize – A viable solution in the changing climate Scenario. Indian J. Genet., 69(4) (Spl. issue): 331-334 (2009).
K. Shankarganesh, S. Walia, S. Dhingra And J.K.S Bhandari Synergism of Insecticidal Action by Some Benzo 1,3-Dioxole Compounds in Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). Indian Journal of Entomology, 71(1): 53-59 (2009).
K. Shankarganesh, S.Walia, S. Dhingra And J.K.S. Bhandari. Effect Of Pre-Treatment Of Synergists On The Toxicity Of Insecticides To Spodoptera Litura (Fabricius). Indian Journal of Entomology, 71(2): 113-119 (2009).
K.Shankarganesh, B.Subrahmanyam, K.Gopalakrishnan, S. Dhingra and J.K.S Bhandari. Susceptibility of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) From Tarai Region To Insecticides And Its Esterase Profile. Indian Journal of Entomology, 71(2): 120-124 (2009).
K Shankarganesh, B Subrahmanyam, Suresh Wane and Swaran Dhingra. Dillapiole Mediated Esterase Inhibition in Insecticide Resistant Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). Pesticide Research Journal Vol. 21(2): 143-147, December, 2009.
Nutan Kaushik, K. Shankarganesh. Effect of bollcure (eucalyptus leaf extract formulation) on mustardaphid, Lipaphis erysimi kalt., and its predator complex. Indian Journal of Entomology, 71(4), 2009.
K. Shankarganesh, S. Walia and Swaran Dhingra. Insecticidal synergism of Benzol-3 dioxole compounds on larvae of Guntur population of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius). Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 17 (2): 295-298 (September, 2009).
C.S. Praharay, K. Sankaranarayanan and N. Gopalakrishnan. Improvement in Agro-Technologies for a Pest Free Quality Cotton Production- A Review on Indian Context. J. Indian Soc. Cotton Improv., April, 2009 1.
C.S. Praharaj, K. Sankaranarayanan, S.E.S.A. Khader and N.Gopalakrishnan Sustaining cotton productivity and soil fertility through in situ management of green manure and crop residues in semi-arid irrigated condition of Tamil Nadu Indian Journal of Agronomy 54(4): 415__422 (December 2009)
K K Bandyopadhyay, A H Prakash, K Sankaranarayanan, B Dharajothi and N Gopalakrishnan. Effect of irrigation and nitrogen on soil water dynamics, productivity and input-use efficiency of Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in a Vertic Ustropept. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 79 (6): 448 2009.
D. Monga, Rishi Kumar, Vijander Pal and M.C. Jat. Mealy Bug, New Pest of Cotton Crop in Haryana: A Survey. J. lnsecSt ci.22(1):100-103(2009).
Rishi Kumar, Vijander Pai, M. C. Jat, D. Monga and S. L. Jat. Studies On Mealybug Phenococcus Solenopsis Tinsley On Transgenic Cotton In India. Indian journal of entomology, 7(2): 125-129 (2009).
Rishi Kumar, K. R. Kranthi, D. Monga and S. L. Jat. Natural parasitization of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera Pseudococcidae) on cotton by Aenasius bambawalei Hayat (Hymenoptera Encyrtidae). J. Biol. Control, 23(4): 457–460, 2009.
O. P. Tuteja, S. K. Verma and Mahendar Singh. Effect of G. harknessii based cytoplasmic male sterility on seed cotton yield and fibre quality traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).Indian J. Genet., 68(3): 288-295 (2008).
Jaydeep Halder, Swaran Dhingra, K Shankar Ganesh and JKS Bhandar. Relative Toxicity of Some Synthetic Insecticides with Special Reference to Change in Susceptibility Level of Myzus Persicae Sulz Over A Decade. Pesticide Research Journal Vol. 1 9(1): 76-78, June, 2007.
Swaran Dhingra, J.K.S. Bhandari and K. Shankarganesh. Relative resistance of Bihar hairy caterpillars to insecticide mixtures. J. ent. Res., 31 (3): 209-212 (2007).
K. Sankaranarayanan, C. S. Praharaj, Andersan Amalan Kumar and P. Nalayini. Multi-tier vegetables intercropping system for higher productivity and economic return in cotton. J. Cotton Res. Dev. 21 (2) 260-266 (July 2007).
K. Sankaranarayanan, C.S. Praharaj and N. Gopalakrishnan. Precision Management of Water & Nutrient in ELS Cotton Production – A Review. J. Indian Soc. Cotton Improv., December, 2007.
K. Shankarganesh and M.A. Khan. Effect of Some Weed extracts on parasitisation behaviour of Trichogramma spp.(Hym: Trichogrammatidae). J. ent. Res., 30 (2): 151-153 (2006).
J. Loganathan, Swaran Dhingra, Suresh Walia and K. Shankar Ganesh. Effect of Madhuca indica seed extracts on survival, feeding and development of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). J. ent. Res., 30 (3) : 225-229 (2006).
K. Shankarganesh and M.A. Khan. Bio-efficacy of Plant Extracts on Parasitisation of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii, T. japonicum Ashmead and 7: poliae Nagaraja. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 14 (2): 280-282 (September, 2006).
C. S. Praharaj, T. P. Rajendran and K. Sankaranarayanan. Comparative Performance of Irrigated Hirsutum Cotton in Conventional and Organic Packages in Black Clayloam Soils of Tamilnadu. J. Indian Soc. Cotton Improv., August, 2006.
O. P. Tuteja, S. K. Verma, D. Monga and P. Singh. A new genetic male sterile line of desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum L.). Indian J. Genet., 65(2): 145-146 (2005).
Information Compiled by Dr. M. Sabesh, updated: 27:04:2023