Central Institute for Cotton Research

CICR Varieties and Hybrids
Sl.No. Varieties/ hybrids Year of release Area of adaptability Remarks
Gossypium Hirsutum Varieties
1 SH 131 1978 Western Uttar Pradesh Fibre Length of 21.5 mm, spinnable up to 30s count, Got of 34% and yield around 18 q/ha.
2 MCU 5 VT 1984 Verticillium wilt prone tracts of Tamil Nadu Verticillium wilt tolerant with yield potential upto 25 q/ha Fiber quality: length 32.16 mm; strength 24.0 g/tex; GOT 35.43%.
3 LRA 5166 1983 Rainfed and irrigated tracts of southern cotton zone & Vidarbha (Maharashtra) CLCuD resistance variety, Drought tolerant, suitable for different agro-climatic conditions with yield potential upto 25-30 q/ha under irrigated and 10-15 q/ha under rainfed conditions. Fiber quality: length 26.6 mm; strength 22.33 g/tex; GOT 40.12%.
4 Supriya 1985 Irrigated tracts of southern cotton zone. Ideally suited for summer irrigated condition Tolerant to Whitely, Bacterial blight and moderately tolerant to jassids and yield potential upto 20 q/ha Fiber quality: length 28.0 mm; strength 21.6; g/tex; GOT 38%.
5 Kanchana 1988 Whitefly prone area of southern cotton zone Whitefly tolerant Fiber quality: length 26.6 mm; strength 22.33 g/tex;
6 Anjali (LRK 516) 1992 Rainfed and irrigated conditions of Maharashtra, Gujarat and south Rajasthan especially under multiple cropping condition Early maturing, compact &. Semi-dwarf., suited for closer spacing has yield potential upto 20 q/ha under normal spacing and 30 q/ha under HDPS. Tolerant to Jassids. Fiber quality: length 28.8 mm; strength 21.3 g/tex; GOT 38.0%.
7 KIRAN (CNH 36) 1993 Irrigated areas of western Maharashtra and southern and middle Gujarat Dwarf early maturing. Tolerant to Jassids Fiber quality: length 26.3 mm; strength 19.2 g/tex.
8 Arogya (NISD 2) 1996 Rainfed areas of central zone Resistant to Bacterial blight, Short fiber and suitable for Denims and canvas and has yield potential upto 20 q/ha. Fiber quality: length 24.3 mm; strength 23.4 g/tex; GOT 48.8%.
9 Surabhi 1997 South zone ideal for summer cotton Resistant to Verticillium wilt, Bacterial blight, and alternaria leaf spot. Extra-long staple, yielding uptp 20 q/ha. Fiber quality: length 31.6 mm; strength 24.4 g/tex; GOT 35.09%.
10 Sumangala 2001 South zone Long staple variety, moderately resistant to sucking pest and yield potential upto 30 q/ha. Fiber quality: length 26.5 mm; strength 21.2 g/tex; GOT 37.19%.
11 Pratima (CNH 120 MB) 2001 Irrigated areas of south zone, also suitable for rainfed condition. Compact, early maturing, Tolerant to moisture stress and has synchronised boll opening, Medium staple with high fibre strength. Fiber quality: length 23.2 mm; strength 24.4 g/tex; GOT 32.1%.
12 Suraj (CCH 504-4) 2008 Irrigated areas of south zone. Most adaptable, sucking pest tolerant, good yield with good fiber quality and has yield potential upto 25 q/ha. Suitable for organic cultivation and HDPS. Fiber quality: length 30.3 mm; strength 23.8 g/tex; GOT 40.1%.
13 Saraswati (CNHO 12) 2009 Central zone Suitability for manufacture of denim. high oil content of 21.8% and yield potential of 15-17 q/ha. Fiber quality: length 24.6 mm; strength 20.9 g/tex; GOT 35%.
14 CCH 2623 2015 South Zone High yielding medium staple variety, tolerant to jassids and major diseases. Fiber quality: length 25.4 mm; strength 21.1 g/tex; GOT 36.9%.
15 CSH 3129 2017 North Zone Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan More tolerant to fungal foliar diseases. Potential to yield 22.9 q/ha with fibre length 29.55 mm and strength 23.15 g/tex and spinnability 40s count.
16 CSH 3075 2017 North Zone Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan Ideally suitable for high density planting system and tolerant to major biotic stress of north zone. It has yield potential of 25 q/ha, fibre length of 26.7 mm and more than 80% maturity level.
17 Subiksha 2018 Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Semi-compact suitable for HDPS resistant to Bacterial Leaf Blight and Rust. Tolerant to Jassids and whitefly. This variety has capability to yield up to 42 q/ha with fibre length of 32.7 mm, strength of 33.8 g/tex, spinnable up to 60s count and GOT of 35.4%.
18 Suchitra 2018 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, south Rajasthan Moderately tolerant to Jassids tolerant to Grey Mildew. The variety yield up to 26 q/ha with fibre length of 28.5 mm, strength of 22.7 g/tex, spinnable up to 30s count.
19 Sunantha 2020 Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Semi – Compact, long staple, good quality variety. Resistant to Bacterial Leaf Blight, Grey Mildew and Tobacco streak virus. Immune to Root Rot. The variety has the yield potential of 37 q/ha with fibre length of 32 mm, strength of 32.7 g/tex, fineness of 3.7, GOT of 34.2% and spinnable up to 50s count.
20 Suraksha 2021 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, south Rajasthan, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Semi-compact suitable for HDPS. Resistant to Bacterial Leaf Blight, Grey Mildew, Root Rot, Tobacco streak virus. Tolerant to Alternaria leaf spot, Rust and Tobacco streak virus. Immune to Root Rot. Resistant to Jassids, whitefly, Thrips, Aphids and Mirid Bug. The variety has the yield potential of 40 q/ha with fibre length of 32.4 mm, strength of 34.3 g/tex, fineness of 3.7, GOT of 34 % and spinnable up to 60s count.
21 CICR-H Cotton 47 (CNH 1111) 2021 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha (Rainfed) Suitable for timely and late sown conditions, Jassids tolerant variety. The variety potential to yield up to 14.07 q/ha with fibre length of 28.1 mm, strength of 29.1 g/tex and spinnable between 20-30s.
22 CICR-H Cotton 48 (CNH 1128) 2021 Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh (Rainfed) Jassids tolerant entry suitable for timely and late sown condition. It has the capacity to yield upto 13.99 q/ha with fibre length of 28.6 mm, strength of 27.5 g/tex, GOT of 34.5 % and spinnable between 30-40s.
23 ICAR-CICR 16301 DB (Vaidehi-1) 2021 South Zone Developed through inter specific hybridisation between G.hirsutum, G. raimondii, G. barbadense and G. thurberi. Fibre colour of dark brown, capable to yield upto 12.05 q/ha with fibre length of 23.5 mm, strength of 23.6 g/tex, GOT of 35%.
24 CICR-H Cotton 58 (CNH 17395) 2022 Irrigated conditions of South Zone (Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu) Brown linted naturally coloured cotton variety (Average Yield – 20.01 q/ha; Potential yield – 33.61 q/ha; Fibre length – 23.7 mm; Fibre strength – 24.4 g/tex; Micronaire-4.7 µg/in)
25 CICR-H Cotton 54 (Nano) 2022 Irrigated conditions of Central and South Zone (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Odisha) A compact cotton variety with ideal plant type for HDPS (Average Yield – 21.23 q/ha; Potential yield – 28.59 q/ha; Average boll weight -4.7 g; Fibre length – 30.8 mm; Fibre strength – 30.8 g/tex at south zone) (Average Yield – 18.15q/ha; Potential yield – 29.63 q/ha; Average boll weight – 3.4 g; Fibre length – 30.1 mm; Fibre strength -30.2 g/tex at central zone)
26 CICR-H NC-Cotton-53 (ICAR_CICR_1630 DB) 2022 Rainfed conditions of South Zone (Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu) Dark Brown linted naturally coloured cotton variety with with stable colour, (Average Yield – 14.95 q/ha; GOT-36.37%; Fibre length – 23.8 mm; Fibre strength – 25.1 g/tex; Micronaire – 4.1 µg/in)
Gossypium arboreum Varieties
1 CICR 1 (CISA 310) 2010 Irrigated areas of north zone Tolerant to fusarium wilt and root-rot. Tolerant to sucking pest and bollworm. Early maturity with yield potential of 32-36 q/ha.
2 CICR 3 (CISA 614) 2010 Irrigated areas of north zone Early maturing. Superior fibre qualities. high GOT.
3 Roja (CNA 1003) 2011 Rainfed area of south zone. ideal for HDPS. Resistant to major diseases and pests. Fiber quality: length 24.3 mm; strength 21.1 g/tex; GOT 35.7%
4 CNA 1028 2020 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat Jassids tolerant less damages by diseases and pests. It has a potential to yield 46 q/ha. The variety has fibre length of 25.9 mm strength of 30.9 g/tex and GOT of 34.23%.
5 CNA 1032 2020 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat Long staple arboreum with high seed cotton yield early maturing with synchronous in boll bursting. It has potential to yield up to 47 q/ha with fibre length of 28.7 mm, strength of 27.9 g/tex and GOT of 34 %.
6 CICR-A Cotton 46 (CNA 1054) 2021 Central Zone (Rainfed) Shattering tolerant to major diseases of cotton. The variety capable to yield up to 14.32 q/ha with fibre length of 26.9 mm, strength of 28.3 g/tex, uniformity of 84% and spinnability between 20-30s and GOT of 34.87 %.
7 CICR-A Cotton 56 (CNA1031) 2022 Rainfed Conditions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha Medium staple and good fibre strength desi cotton variety (Average Yield – 13.57 q/ha; GOT- 35.9%; Fibre length – 25.7 mm; Fibre strength – 27.8 g/tex)
8 CICR-A Cotton 57 (CNA 1091) 2022 Rainfed conditions of South Zone (Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu) Naturally Colour cotton (brown) variety with short staple and medium fibre strength (Average Yield – 12.67q/ha; GOT-32.9%; Fibre length – 23.8 mm; Fibre strength – 25.1 g/tex; Micronaire – 4.1 µg/in)
9 CICR-A Cotton 59 (CNA17522) 2022 Rainfed conditions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh) Light Brown linted naturally coloured cotton variety (G. arboreum) derived from wild species (Average Yield -11.15 q/ha; Fibre length – 23.3 mm; Fibre strength – 23.1 g/tex; Micronaire-5.3 µg/in)
Gossypium Barbadense Variety
1 Suvin 1978 Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh An extra-long staple G. barbadense variety equal in equality in quality to the popular Egyptian Giza varieties. capable of spinning upto 120s count yarn. still under cultivation in Salem districts of Tamil Nadu. This ELS variety capable to yield 15-20 q/ha, with fibre length of 40mm, strength of 38 g/tex, fineness of 3.2 and spinnable up to 120s count.
2 CICR B Cotton 37 (CCB – 51) 2021 Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Extra long staple (ELS) cotton variety possessing high yield potential with good fibre properties. The variety has the yield potential of 12.37 q/ha with fibre length of 34.7 mm, strength of 36.6 g/tex and spinnable up to 95s count.
3 CICR B Cotton 45 (CCB – 143B) 2021 Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh The variety has the yield potential of 14.62 q/ha with fibre length of 37 mm, strength of 40.8 g/tex.
Intra-specific hybrid (Intra hirsutum) (H X H)
1 Savitha 1987 Irrigated tracts of southern cotton zone Intra-hirsutum hybrids of MCU 5 quality with yield potential upto 25-30 q/ha. Tolerant to Verticillium wilt. Fiber quality: length 31.26 mm; strength 23.76 g/tex; GOT 35.57%.
2 Kirthi (CICR HH I) 1992 Rainfed areas of Marathwada region of Maharashtra Early maturing hybrid. Moderately resistant to Bacterial blight, alternaria, Myrothecium, Grey Mildew. Fiber quality: length 25.8 mm; strength 19.2 g/tex; GOT 35.1%.
3 Surya (TM 1312) 1995 Southern zone Presence of genetic marker character. Tolerant to jassid and pink bollworm. Moderately resistant to bacterial blight. Yield potential upto 20 q/ha. Fiber quality: length 32.0 mm; strength 25.46 g/tex; GOT 36.63%.
4 OM- Shankar (CSHH 29) 1997 Northern cotton belt Early maturing, high yielding hybrid. Suitable for cotton-wheat sequence of north zone. Resistant to Jassids, bollworm and major diseases. Fiber quality: length 26.5 mm; strength 22.0 g/tex; GOT 34%.
5 Shresth (CSHH 198) 2005 Northern cotton belt ClCuV resistant. The hybrid has good fiber quality and big boll size. Fiber quality: length 26.5 mm; strength 23.5 g/tex; GOT 32.5%.
6 Kalyan (CSHH 238) 2007 Irrigated areas of north zone. ClCuV resistant with good fiber quality. Fiber quality: length 27.2 mm; strength 22.6 g/tex; GOT 33.7%.
7 Simran (CSHH 243) 2008 Irrigated areas of north zone. ClCuV resistant. Fiber quality: length 26.7 mm; strength 23.2 g/tex; GOT 33.3%.
8 CSHG 1862 2013 North Zone GMS based hybrid with good fiber quality. Fiber quality: length 27.8 mm; strength 22.0 g/tex; GOT 34.5%.
Inter-specific Hybrid (G hirsutum x G. barbadense)
1 HB 224 1989 Irrigated tracts of southern cotton Southern cotton zone Extra-long staple hybrid. Fiber quality: length 26.6 mm; strength 22.33 g/tex;
2 Sruthi 1997 Southern cotton zone Dwarf and compact, short duration hybrid, tolerant to alternaria, grey mildew and bacterial blight. Fiber quality: length 35.93 mm; strength 31.0 g/tex; GOT 30.09%.
Intra-arboreum hybrid (A x A)
1 CICR 2 (CISAA 2) 2004 Northern cotton zone GMS based hybrid. Yield potential up 40q/ha. Resistant to Fusarium wilt. Ideal for technical textile and for absorbent cotton. Fiber quality: length 26.6 mm; strength 22.33 g/tex;
Bt Cotton
1 ICAR-CICR PKV-081 Bt 2017 Maharashtra (Rainfed) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Suitable for HDPS. Early maturing and resistance to major diseases. Potential to yield up to 27 q/ha with fibre length of 28.5 mm, strength of 27.9 g/tex, Micronnaire value of 3.9 µg and GOT of 35 %
2 ICAR-CICR Rajat Bt 2017 Maharashtra (Rainfed) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Suitable for HDPS. Early maturing and resistance to major diseases. Potential to yield up to 27 q/ha with fibre length of 26.8 mm, strength of 26.1 g/tex and GOT of 34.4 %
3 ICAR-CICR Suraj Bt 2017 Central Zone (Rainfed) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Suitable for both irrigated and rainfed conditions. Potential to yield up to 25 q/ha with fibre length of 29.1 mm, strength of 26 g/tex and spinnable up to 40s count and GOT of 36.1%.
4 ICAR-CICR Bt 6 2020 Punjab, Haryana Yield potential of 30.46 q/ha with fibre length of 25.8 mm, strength of 26.6 g/tex and spinnable up to 40s count, GOT of 36.9 % moderately resistance to CLCuV
5 ICAR-CICR GJHV-374 Bt 2020 Maharashtra (Rainfed) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Potential to yield up to 25 q/ha. It has a fibre length of 28.2 mm, strength of 26.8 g/tex and spinnable up to 40s count, and GOT of 34 %
6 ICAR-CICR 16 Bt 2020 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat (Irrigated) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Resistance to major diseases. The Bt variety potential to yield up to 40 q/ha with fibre length of 25.3 mm, strength of 26.1 g/tex, early maturing in 140-150 days.
7 ICAR-CICR 23 Bt 2020 Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh (Rainfed) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Resistance to major diseases. The Bt variety potential to yield up to 15 q/ha with fibre length of 27.6 mm, strength of 27.6 g/tex, Micronnaire value of 3.7 µg and spinnability up to 40s count.
8 ICAR-CICR Bt 9 2021 Maharashtra (Rainfed) The Bt variety has capable to yield up to 31 q/ha with fibre length of 26.3 mm, strength of 25.5 g/tex, spinnable up to 30s count and GOT of 36.3%.
9 ICAR-CICR Bt 14 2021 Maharashtra (Rainfed) Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Resistance to major diseases. The Bt variety has capability to yield up to 30 q/ha with fibre length of 27.8 mm, strength of 26.4 g/tex, spinnable up to 30s count and GOT of 38%.
10 ICAR-CICR Bt 21 2021 Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Resistance to major diseases and drought. The Bt variety potential to yield up to 15 q/ha with fibre length of 27.17 mm, strength of 27.9 g/tex, GOT of 35% and spinnable up to 30s count.
11 ICAR-CICR Bt 25 2021 Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Presents of cry 1 AC imparts resistance against helicoverpa armigera. Resistance to major diseases. The Bt variety has capability to yield up to 20 q/ha with fibre length of 27 mm, strength of 26.4 g/tex, spinnable up to 30s count and GOT of 36%.
12 CICR- H Bt Cotton 60 (Yugank Bt / CICR-183059- 5) 2022 Rainfed conditions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat) An early maturing, medium staple Bt cotton variety amenable for high density planting (Average Yield – 12.65 q/ha; Potential yield – 22.1 q/ha; Average boll weight – 3.4g; Plant height – 93.5 cm; GOT – 38.1%; Fibre length – 24.80mm; Fibre strength – 25.70 g/tex)
13 CICR- H Bt Cotton 61 (Tejas Bt / Bt -183059-4) 2022 Rainfed conditions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat) An early maturing, medium staple Bt cotton variety amenable for high density planting (Average Yield- 11.63 q/ha; Potential yield – 20.5 q/ha; Average boll weight – 3.3g; Plant height – 98.53cm; GOT-36.37%; Fibre length – 25.47 mm; Fibre strength – 25.73 g/tex)
14 CICR- H Bt Cotton 62 (Namami Bt / CICR 19-32 Bt) 2022 Rainfed conditions of Central Zone (Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat) An early maturing, medium staple Bt cotton variety amenable for high density planting (Average Yield – 11.49 q/ha; Potential yield – 20.72 q/ha; Plant height – 98.53cm; GOT – 38.17%; Fibre length – 24.67 mm; Fibre strength – 25.37 g/tex)
15 CICR- H Bt Cotton 63 (Samrat Bt / CICR- 183059-2) 2022 Rainfed conditions of South Zone (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) An early maturing, medium staple Bt cotton variety amenable for high density planting (Average Yield – 13.73 q/ha; Potential yield -24.14 q/ha; Average boll weight – 3.7g; Plant height – 105.83cm; GOT-36.77%; Fibre length – 25.17 mm; Fibre strength – 25.1 g/tex)
Information Compiled by Dr. S Manickam, Dr. M. Sabesh Source: Release Proposals; Gazette Notifications updated: 17:08:2023 
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