In the year 2021, the Library purchased 26 new books and
procured the e-book version of ICAC Cotton Databook. The
Library also procured the e-book series of Advances in
Agronomy 2021 thus adding to its existing e-book collection.
25 Hindi books were procured. The Library also subscribed to
12 Indian Journals. Off-campus activation was done for all e
books and journals for scientists, taking into account the Covid
situation. Annual Report and CICR Newsletter was distributed to
ICAR Institutesand dignitaries.
Documentation Services
- The Library started a monthly documentation service from
August 2021 to highlight the worldwide ongoing research
and development in Cotton science by the name “Gleanings
in Cotton Research”. Five issues of this publication were
compiled and e-mailed to all scientists.
- Library has developed computerized bibliographic database
on Cotton to provide comprehensive and updated
information on cotton. About 5400 bibliographic references
along with abstracts have been stored in it. Based on this
bibliographic database the Library publishes a current
awareness bulletin namely “COTTON RESEARCH
ABSTRACTS”. The Bulletin is circulated to all the scientists of
the Institute and to all AICCIP Centers in India. In the reported
period, two issues of COTTON RESEARCH ABSTRACTS
(V35, January – December 2021) were published and
- Articles appearing in newspapers on Cotton are digitally
scanned and the copy is emailed to all scientists for
information. A collection of all news items appearing in 2020
was compiled and published by the name “CICR in News
- The Library is actively participating in the e-Journal
Consortium by responding regularly through E-mails and
thus also receiving updates. More than 2000 on-line journals
on agriculture and crop science are made available over the
network through this consortium. Library provides E
Reference Service by virtue of which, important information
vital for research such as, alerts, bulletins, articles and
circulars received by the Library in electronic format are
immediately circulated to all scientists by sending regular E
- Four User Terminals installed in the Library have facilitated the
library users to access the databases uploaded in the Library
Server. Users can also access the Internet on these terminals.
Similarly, the entire catalog of the library has been
downloaded on these terminals for ease of use.
- The Web OPAC version of the Library software SLIM21 was
updated and by using this Library Application Software, the
entire catalogue of holdings of the Library (books and bound
volumes) is available on all terminals within the Institute. By
its virtue, the entire holdings and the catalogue of the Library
are visible on the LAN terminals within the Institute by clicking
on the following link. Library Catalogue Web-OPAC Link