Institute Management Committee (IMC)
The 55th Institute Management Committee was held on 1st October. 2019 under the Chairmanship of Dr. V. N. Waghmare, Director, ICAR-CICR, Nagpur. At the outset, Sh. A. A. Goswami. SAO & Member Secretary (IMC) welcomed Dr. V. N. Waghmare, Director & Chairman (IMC), ICAR-CICR. Nagpur and other members of IMC including Joint Director of Agriculture, Govt, of Maharashtra. Division Nagpur and special invitees. Later Dr. Waghmare gave his introductory remarks and briefed IMC members regarding significance of this meeting and also highlighted the research activities and achievements of the Institute for the year 2018-19 and various other outreach activities undertaken during the period.
The hon’ble members of IMC made some suggestions with permission of Chairman, IMC. These are as under:
- Joint Director of Agriculture (JDA). Maharashtra suggested to increase FLD’s of Bt varieties and seed production on farmer’s fields.
- Dr. A.R. Rao enquired the status of research on precision breeding mini core collection and host pathogen interaction. He has also emphasized training on Bioinformatics.
- Dr. Subhash Chandra. Member IMC stressed on need to increase adaption of IPM, bio-pesticides and bioagents. He also remarked that awareness should be created among farmers for safe use of pesticides.
- Dr. D. Sarkar, Member IMC expressed his desire to collaborate with ICAR-CICR for data analysis and fibre genomics.
- Dr. Vishwas Sawant. Farmers representative and Member IMC requested for organizing training programme in his area i.e. Jalgaon for benefit of farmers.
2015-16 :
Institute Management Committee Meeting
The 53rd Institute Management Committee was held on 30 October, 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. R. Kranthi, Director, ICAR – CICR. Nagpur. At the outset, Sh. Sachin Agnihotri, Senior Administrative Officer, Member Secretary welcomed Dr. K. R. Kranthi, Director ICAR – CICR & Chairman, IMC, Dr. R. G. Dani, Vice Chancellor, Dr. PDKV, Akola and other members of IMC including special invitees.
Dr. K. R. Kranthi, Director CICR and Chairman IMC gave his introductory remarks and briefed IMC members regarding significance of this meeting. He apprised the IMC Members about the present status of EFC approved items like construction of compound wall and roads at Hqrs Nagpur, status of purchase of equipment approved under the EFC. The IMC members also recommended for construction of compound wall at Headquarters Nagpur on priority keeping in view the security of the institute. Dr. M. V. Venugopalan, In-charge PME Cell, briefed about the salient research achievements and these were further substantiated by the Heads of the Divisions. The meeting ended with vote of thanks proposed by Member Secretary.
Institute Research Committee (IRC) meeting
The Annual Institute Research Committee (IRC 2016) meeting of CICR was held during 17 -19 & 24 March 2016 at CICR, Nagpur. Dr K. R. Kranthi Director CICR Nagpur chaired the meeting. Chairman in his introductory speech, lauded the remarkable contributions by scientists in cotton R & D especially developing cotton picker, nitrogen Guru, light traps etc. Chairman expressed concern over current year national issues like whitefly menace in north India and development of resistance by pink bollworm to Bt cotton in several states of central and south India. Dr. M. V. Venugopalan presented recommendations of Research Advisory Committee meeting held on 16- 17 October 2015. Dr. Vinita Gotmare presented report of Research Framework Document (RFD) of the Institute. Dr. V. S. Nagrare presented Action Taken Report of the IRC 2015. All the completed, ongoing and new projects were reviewed critically. On this occasion IRC felicitated Dr. SESA Khader, Principal Scientist (Plant Physiology) CICR, RS, Coimbatore who is due to retire in the month of May 2016. All the scientists from CICR, Nagpur, CICR RS, Coimbatore and CICR RS, Sirsa attended the meeting. All the scientists took active part in the discussions on the progress of on-going projects and formulation of new projects as well as plan of work for 2016-17. Dr. Sunil Mahajan & Dr. H. B. Santosh of Crop improvement, Dr. Anuradha Narala & Dr. A. Manikandan of Crop Production, Dr. Shailesh Gawande & Mr T. Prabhulinga Crop Protection and Mr. Joy Das & Mr. Rakesh Kumar of Biotechnology section served as Rapporteurs. Dr. V. S. Nagrare, Secretary IRC and Dr J.H. Meshram Joint Secretary IRC coordinated the meeting.
2014-15 :
Institute Management Committee Meeting
The 52nd Institute Management Committee (IMC) meeting was held on 12th March 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. R Kranthi, Director, CICR, Nagpur.
At the outset, Shri. Sachin Agnihotri, Sr. Administrative Officer and Member Secretary welcomed the Director, CICR and Chairman, IMC, Dr. R.G. Dani, Vice Chancellor, Dr. PDKV, Akola other members of IMC and special invitees.
Dr. K.R Kranthi, Director OCR & Chairman, IMC in his introductory remark mentioned that non¬official members of IMC are yet to be nominated by Council. The major agenda was to seek recommen¬dations of the committee for purchase of equipment, furniture & fixtures and execution of works approved in XII Plan for the year 14-15 and 15-16 to be taken on priority and for processing of the same under B.E. of 2015-16. The chairman stressed that the construction of boundary wall has to be taken at HQ. Nagpur on priority basis. Further, Dr. M. V. Venugopalan, I/c PME Cell summarized the research highlights of the institute.
Dr. R. G. Dani, Vice Chancellor, Dr. PDKV, Akola expressed satisfaction over the research work conducted at CICR and was particularly impressed with the initiatives on high density planting system and screening for CLCuV disease. He emphasized that both CICR, Nagpur and Dr. PDKV, Akola are situated in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra and have a huge responsibility of redressing the problems related to agriculture, with reference to cotton and soybean. He also stressed upon the social distress among the farmers of Vidarbha which is highly vulnerable to climate variability and extremes. Further, he suggested that CICR should implement the recommendations outlined in the QRT report of CICR and AK’RP on Cotton submitted under the Chairmanship of Dr. C.D. Mayee, Former Chairman, ASRB, New Delhi. Shri. G.C. Prasad, SFAO, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur expressed satisfaction over the expenditure pattern and the resources generated by the institute. Dr Jagdish Prasad, Principal Scientist, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur stressed the need of purchasing scientific research equipments on priority basis. Dr. A.D Huchhe, Principal Scientist, CCRI, Nagpur recommended planting citrus trees in the Institute farm.
2013-14 :
Institute Management Committee Meeting
The 51st Institute Management Committee (IMC) meeting was held on 21stAugust 2013 under the Chairmanship of Dr, K.R. Kranthi, Director. CICR, Nagpur. The meeting was attended by the following member.
Dr. K.R. Kranthi. Director CICR & Chairman, IMC mentioned that this session of IMC was specially convened to facilitate an interactive meeting of the Chairman, QRT with the IMC for the presentation of the recommendations of QRT. The other major agenda was seeking approval of the committee for purchase of equipment, furniture & fixtures and execution of works proposed in XII Plan to be taken on priority as per ICAR guidelines and for proposing the same under R.E. of 2013-14. This is necessary as the XII Plan is yet to be approved by the Council. Elaborating on further, the Chairman informed that a recent accidental fire gutted the Bt. referral lab and the lab needs to be renovated. Losses caused due to the fire are being examined by the CPWD to write off the material damaged and the final report is awaited. Additionally, the training hall inaugurated on 12th Nov. 2012 needs to be furnished and fitted with audio-visual aids/fixtures to make it functional. Essential equipments are needed to carry forward the newly launched E-kapas programme (under TMC) which intends to connect farmers through voice mail.
The IMC unanimously recommended for approval from Council for purchase of proposed instruments, furniture/fixtures and also for renovation works.
Dr. R. G. Dani, Vice Chancellor, PDKV informed that with 93% of the area under Bt hybrids, there are few takers for varieties like AKH 081 and AKA 7 even though these have a good potential under HOPS. Dr. Dani mentioned about the MoU signed with CICR and hoped that this would enhance the quality of PG research at Dr. PDKV and the collaborative programmes on biotechnology will be strengthened.
Shri. Sharad Tasare, Ex-MLA, Amravati appreciated the new initiatives in cotton by CICR but appealed the research community to work hard to restore the confidence of farmers in the cotton production system so that they will get returns from the crop in commensura¬tion with the investment made.
Shri. G. C. Prasad, SFAO, NBSS&LUP, Nagpur express¬ed satisfaction over the expenditure pattern and the resources generated of the institute. He added that the equipments / works / furniture / fixtures proposed are essential and need to be attended on priority.
Shri. R.B. Chalwade, Superintendent Agriculture Officer, Nagpur who represented the Joint Director of Agriculture, Nagpur endorsed that the farmers of the region are showing keen interest on two technologies – HDPS in cotton and broad bed- furrow system. He also informed that the cotton area in Nagpur division in 2013- 14 was 419800 ha.
: Institute Management Committee (IMC) Meeting
The 50th Meeting of Institute Management Committee of CICR, Nagpur was held on 16th June, 2012 at CICR, Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. R. Kranthi, Director, CICR, Nagpur. The following Committee Members were present during the meeting:
- Dr. K.R.Kranthi, Director, CICR, Nagpur Chairman
- Shri J.C.Bhutada, Joint Director of Agriculture, Govt, of Maharashtra, Nagpur Member
- Shri Sharad Tasare, Ex M.L.A., Amravati Member
- Dr Dilip Monga, Head CICR Regional Station, Sirsa. Member
- Dr P.K.Chakrabarty, Head Division of Crop Improvement, CICR, Nagpur Member
- Dr G.Balasubramani, Sr.Scientist, CICR Nagpur Member
- Dr (Mrs.) Sandhya Kranthi, Head Division of Crop Protection CICR Nagpur. Spl. Invitee
- Dr Blaise Desouza, Head Division of Crop Production, CICR, Nagpur Spl. Invitee
- Shri Deepak Maheshwari, F. & A.O., CICR Nagpur
Spl. Invitee
- Dr R.B.Singandhupe, Pri. Scientist & l/c KVK CICR, Nagpur
Spl. Invitee
- hri Sachin Agnihotri, Sr. Admn. Officer CICR Nagpur Member Secretary
The Committee members noted the progress on Financial Management / Progress of works/ Farm Development I KVK activities and Research Achievements of the Institute and expressed their satisfaction. The meeting ended with thanks to Chair and the Members by the Member Secretary.
: Institute Management Committee (IMC) Meeting
The 49th Meeting of Institute Management Committee of CICR, Nagpur was held on 10 May 2011 at CICR. Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. R. Kranthi. Director, CICR. Nagpur.
The following Committee Members were present during the meeting:
- Dr. V. M. Mayande, Vice Chancellor Dr. PDKV, Akola,
- Shri Shared Tasare, Ex. Deputy Maharashtra Assembly, Amravati – Non-Official member
- Sh. S. A. Warpudkar. Ex-Minister Parbhani- Non-Official member
- Dr. D. Monga, Head, CICR-RS Sirsa – Member
- Dr. G. Balasubramani, Senior Scientist, CICR. Nagpur – Member
- Shri O. P. Nagar. Senior F&AO, NBSS&LUP. Nagpur – Member
- Shri. NVRN. Murty. F&AO, CICR, Nagpur – Special Invitee
- Shri. Sachin Agnihotri, l/c Sr, Administrative Officer, CICR. Nagpur – Member Secretary
The Committee members noted the progress on Financial Management / Progress of works/ Farm Development / KVK activities and Research Achievements of the Institute and expressed their Satisfaction.
the meeting ended with thanks to Chair and the Members by the Member Secretary.
2009-10 :
Institute Management Committee Meeting
The 47th Institute Management Committee of CICR, Nagpurwas held on May 27, 2009 at CICR, Nagpur. Dr. K. R. Kranthi Acting Director CICR. Nagpur; Dr. O. P. Tuteja, Principal Scientist. CICR (RS), Sirsa; Dr. K. N. Gururajan, Principal Scientist. CICR (RS), Coimbatore: Dr. K. B. Hebbar. Principal Scientist. USS, Bhopal; Dr. (Mrs.) Vinta Gotmate, Sr. Scientist, CICR, Nagpur; Dr. Nandini Gokte-Narkhedkar, 1/c. Admn. Officer CICR attended the meeting. Other special invitees were Dr. S. N. Puri, Hon’ble V.C. Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal & Chairman, QRT; Dr. N. Gopalakrishanan, PC & Head Regional Station. Coimbatore, Dr. D. Monga Regional Station. Sirsa, Dr. P. R. Bharambe, Head Crop Production Division CICR. Nagpur. Dr. R. K. Deshmukh, 1/c HOD, Crop Improvement, CICR Nagpur; Shri M. K. Meshram, Scientist Incharge, KVK. Nagpur and Shri Devesh Nigam, Finance & Account officer.
At the outset Dr. P. R, Bharambe. Head Division of Crop Production welcomed the Director, CICR and Chairman. IMC. Dr. S. N. Puri and other Hon’ble members of IMC. He also, mentioned that this session was specially convened to facilitate the presentation of the recommendations of QRT. Director, CICR briefly outlined the recent R & 0 achievements of the Institute. He highlighted the release of two Bt transgenic cotton from public sector viz. BN Bt hirsutum variety and NHH 44 Intra hirsutum hybrid as major achievements. Dr. S.N. Puri, Hon’ble VC, CAU. Imphal and Chairman QRT, CICR Nagpur at the’ outset complimented the research of CICR and AICCIP for the excellent work carried out during the review period. He’ expressed that the main concern: of QRT was regarding the introduction of public sector transgenic into the market. The main recommendations of the QRT pertaining of CICR and AICCIP were also discussed. The meeting ended with thanks to Chair and the members by the Members Secretary.
2008-09 :
Institute Management Committee Meeting
Forty sixth Institute Management Committee meeting was conducted on 4th Feb, 2009 at Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur.
- The meeting was chaired by Dr. K. R. Kranthi. Acting Director, CICR, Nagpur and the following committee members were Present.
- Dr. O. P. Tuteja, Principal Scientist, CICR. RS, Sirsa- Member
- Shri K. N. Gururajan, Principal Scientist, CICR, RS, Coimbatore – Member
- Dr. K. B. Hebbar, Principal Scientist, IISS, Bhopal -Member
- Dr. (Mrs) Vinita Gotmare, Sr. Scientist, CICR Nagpur -Member
- Dr. P. R. Bharambe, Head, Division of Crop Production, CICR, Nagpur – Special Invitee
- Dr. V. V. Singh, l/c Head, Division of Crop Improvement, CICR, Nagpur – Special Invitee
- Shri M. K. Meshram. Principal Scientist I\c KVK. CICR, Nagpur – Special Invitee
- Shri Devesh Nigam. FAa, CICR, Nagpur – Special Invitee
- Shri M. S. Murthy, Administrative Officer, CICR, Nagpur -Member Secretary
The following are the major recommendations of the committee:
- The committee expressed satisfaction on the progress of expenditure. Further, committee suggested to settle the outstanding advances with CPWD where ever works have been completed on priority basis. As per the recommendation of forty fifth IMC meeting, CPWD Executive Engineer, Shri Rao was invited to furnish the details of works and he informed that only two works are pending completion for settling the advances.
- The committee members appreciated the progress of the civil works and irrigation facilities in the farm. The Chairman informed that the present budget under the Head Boundary Wall for the farm will be exhausted in the current financial year and ICAR will be approached for more funds for the construction of boundary wall of the farm, members unanimously recommended for the same.
- The committee appreciated the outcome of research its publications, patents etc. in the Institute and two regional stations.
- The Institute has proposed to purchase certain minor equipments costing less than rupees one lakh each as per the list under plan. The members unanimously recommended for the purchase of minor equipments subject to availability of funds under plan budget.
- The Chairman informed that tire Institute has already written to ICAR for sanction of Rs 70.00 lakhs (Rupees seventy lakhs) for replacement of 6 vehicles of Nagpur and one Matador of Coimbatore. If no fund is received during the year, the savings of the budget under Non-plan (other charges) will be utilized for the purchase under replacement. In principal the members agreed for condemnation of all seven vehicles including one tractor and purchase vehicles as proposed for except 52 seater Ashok Leyland and one Swaraj Mazda mini bus which will be auctioned.
- The members suggested to approach ICAR HQ for the approval for conversion of the present Type V Quarter at CICR RS, Coimbatore into a Guest House, since the Regional Station does not have a Guest House.
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
- Forty fifth Institute Management Committee meeting was conducted on 10th January. 2007 at Central Institute for Cotton Research. Nagpur. The meeting was chaired by Dr. B. M. Khadi, Director. CICR. Nagpur and the following committee members were present.
- Dr. Sharad Nimbalkar, V.C., Dr.PDKV. Akola – Member
- Shri Nanabhau Embadwar – Non Official Member
- Dr. L. Nagrale, Jt. Director of Agriculture – Member
- Shri P. N. Singh. Sr. F&AO, NBSS & LUP, Nagpur – Member
- Shri O. M. Bambawale. Principal Scientist. NCIPM, NewDelhi – Member
- Dr. N. Gopalkrishnan, PC & Head, CICR. Regional Station. Coimbatore – Spl. Invitee
- Dr. Dilip Monga. Head, CICR, Regional Station. Sirsa – Spl. Invitee
- Shri PrashantKumar.F &AO. CICR Nagpur– Spl. Invitee
- Shri M. S. Murthy. Administrative Officer – Member Secretary
The following are the major recommendations of the committee:
- The committee expressed satisfaction on the progress of civil works. Further. the committee suggested to get the details of expenditure incurred in respect of each work in every quarter and by 31st March every year. The concerned CPWD Engineer has to be invited to IMC meeting to furnish the full details of work in progress.
- The committee applauded the work done on development of water harvesting ponds. The committee further suggested for soil conservation and stoppage of water logging.
- The committee praised the effort of the Director and his team of scientists in development of Bt cotton.
- The members suggested to arrange Melas/ Exhibitions at Jalna and Marathwada where cotton and other seed industries are located.
- The committee approved substitution of items taking in to consideration of the needs of the Institute.
- The committee has recommended refurnishing the museum and also renovation of library within the provision of EFC Memo of X Plan.
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Forty fourth Institute Management Committee meeting was held at CICR. Nagpur on 1st February, 2006 at CICR. Nagpur under the Chairmanship of Dr. B. M Khadi, Director, CICR. Nagpur. The meeting was attended by the following members.
- Shri Nanabhau Embadwar Non-Official Member
- Shri Ankush Raoji Tope Non-Official Member
- Shri R. N. Singh. Sr. F & AO, NBSS & LUR Nagpur Member
- Shri S. L. Baviskar. Divn. Supt. Agril. Officer, Nagpur Member
- Shri D. K. Agarwal, Scientist Member
- Dr. Dilip Monga, Head I/c. Regional Station, Sirsa Special Invitee
- Shri Kumar Rajesh, Administrative Officer, CICR, Nagpur Member Secretary
The following are the major recommendations:
- The committee expressed their satisfaction on the revenue realization during last financial year as well as in the current year. The committee also expressed that utilization of funds in HRD sub-head may be ensured.
- The committee expressed that possibilities may be explored to install a biogas unit in the form for proper utilization of farm waste. The non ¬official members of the committee opined that the CICR Officers or their representatives may witness the process of tender finalization by CPWD in the respect of CICR works.
- The committee expressed its satisfaction and agreed for continuation of farm development work.
- Committee felt that cotton farmers from various districts in the vicinity of the institute may be invited to attend the KVK programme.
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
The Institute Management Committee meeting was held on 10th December, 2004 during the y ear 2004-05 at CICR. Regional Station. Coimbatore under the Chairmanship of Dr. P. Singh, Director (Acting). The proceedings of 43rd Institute Management Committee meeting were approved by the ICAR.
Major recommendations:
- The approved budget of Plan and Non-Plan of the current financial year and expenditure upto November 2004 was seen by the committee members and they expressed their satisfaction.
- The members expressed satisfaction on the progress of works and recommended that such review may be taken up by IMC periodically.
- The committee expressed their satisfaction and agreed for continuation of farm development work.
- The members discussed the various research programmes at length expressed satisfaction on the progress.
- The activities of KVK were also presented before the committee. The members expressed their satisfaction on the work carried out by the KVK.
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
The institute management committee was held on 18th October, 2003 during the year 2003-04 at CICR. Nagpur under the chairmanship of Dr. Phundan Singh, Director. The proceedings of the meeting was approved by the ICAR.
Major recommendations:
- The committee expressed its satis¬faction and agreed for continuation of farm development work. The committee members desired that brief break-up of the farm activities of Sirsa and Coimbatore station should be furnished.
- The committee desired that activities of KVK should also be furnished in brief.
: Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Institute Management Committee meeting was held twice during 2002-03 on 18th June, 2002 and 3rd Feb, 03 at CICR. Regional Station Sirsa and Coimbatore respectively under the Chairmanship of Dr. C. D. Mayee. The proceedings of both the meetings were approved by the ICAR.
The following are the major recommen¬dations:
- IMC approved to write off Rs. 53,500/- towards the loss incurred due to lire of dry Kadba fodder, one thatch shade and Red gram crop on 27.02.2000.
- The Committee expressed their satisfaction and agreed for continuation of farm development work.
- The committee approved the progress of budget of plan and Non-plan of 2002-2004 and expenditure upto January 15th 2003.
2001-02 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Institute Management Committee meeting twice during 2001-2002 on 10.07.2001 and 06.02.2002 under the Chairmanship of Dr. C. D. Mayee. Director, CICR, Nagpur. The proceedings of the meetings were approved by the ICAR. The following are the major decisions.
- IMC approved the expenditure on secu¬rity beyond Rs. 5.00 lakhs and below Rs. 10.00
lakhs. ICAR suggested for going Ex-servicemen through D.G. Resettle¬ment (DGR).
- A type IV quarter to be reserved for the Finance & Account Officer of the Insti¬tute as and when it will be vacant.
- Replacement of photosynthetic system by LCD Projector, modern conference system
and furniture for Seminal Hall.
Addition of computer (17 Nos.). Print¬ers (24 Nos.) and UPS (23 Nos.) to be included in the
X plan EFC memo.
1994-1995 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
The 30th meeting of Management Commit¬tee held on 12th July, 1994 at CICR, Nagpur. The following members could not attend the meeting due to their preoccupation.
Shri. Mahiram, Smt. Prabhawati Ojha, Dr. S. S. Bains, Dr. N. D. Patil and Dr. A. K. Raheja
At the outset Dr. A. K. Basu, Director, CICR, cum chairman welcomed all the members and introduced the new members. Dr. Basu outlined the progress made by the Institute. The agenda items were discussed during the meeting and several important decisions were taken.
1992-93 :
President of ICAR Society has re¬constituted the Management Committee of the Central Institute for Cotton Re¬search, Nagpur for a term of 3 years with effect from Nov. 11,1992. Following are the members of new Management Com¬mittee.
- The Director, CICR, Nagpur – Chairman
- Mr. Nichal, Jt. Director of Agril, M.S. -Member
- Dr. S. S. Bains, Director of Agril., Punjab- Member
- Dr. G. V. Reddy, Sr. Scientist, MAU, Nanded-Member
- Mrs. Prabhavati Ojha, Nagpur – Member
- Shri. Mahi Ram, Abohar, Punjab Member
- Dr. Sheo Raj, Pri. Sci., CICR, Nagpur -Member
- Dr. A. P Jayaswal, Pri. Sci., CICR, Nagpur-Member
- Dr. M. G. Bhat, Sr. Sci., CICR, Nagpur -Member
- Dr. V. V. Singh, Sr.Sci., CICR, Nagpur -Member
- Finance & Accounts Officer, CICR, Nagpur -Member
- Administrative Officer, CICR, Nagpur- Member Secretary
The 27th meeting of Management Committee was held on Jan.12,1993 at CICR, Nagpur. At the outset Dr. A. K. Basu, Director, CICR accorded a welcome to all the members. The non-official members who were attending this meeting for the first time were introduced to the other members. Dr. Basu outlined the mandate of the Institute, organiza¬tional set up and progress made by the Institute. Members were apprised of the development activities.
1991-92 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Under Rule 66 of ICAR, the ICAR con¬stituted the Management Committee of CICR with the following persons:
- Dr. A. K. Basu, Director. CICR. Nagpur – Chairman
- Dr. B. K. Tripathi, ADG (CC), ICAR – Member
- Dr. M. V. Sant, Joint. Director of Agricul¬ture (Cash Crop), Department of Agricul-ture,
Govt, of Maharashtra – Member
- Director of Agriculture, Gujarat State – Member
- Dr. M. A. Tayyab, Sr.Scientist (Cotton), PKV, Akola – Member
- Shri Rambhau Satao, Progressive Farmer, Wardha (MS) – Member
- Shri Ramkrishna Rao, Progressive Farmer, Krishna Distt, AP – Member
- Dr. S. S. Narayanan, Scientist S-3, CICR, Nagpur – Member
- Dr. P. M. Mukewar, Scientist, S-2, CICR, Nagpur – Member
- Dr. S. K. Banerjee, Scientist, S-2, CICR, R.S. Sirsa – Member
- Dr. V. T. Sundaramurthy, Scientist S-3, CICR, R.S. Coimbatore – Member Finance and
Accounts Officer. NBSS & LUP. Nagpur – Member
- Dr. N. B. Patil, Director, CTRL, Bombay – Member
- Shri Ashish Roy, Administrative Officer, CiCR, Nagpur – Member Secretary.
During the year the Institute Manage¬ment Committee met twice on 9-1-1991 and 10-9-1991 at CICR Regional Station, Coimbatore and Sirsa respectively. In the meeting the following subjects came up for detailed discussions.
- Ratification of expenditure
- Progress of expenditure
- Progress of works
- Filling up of Technical Officers posts
- General Administrative matters
- Higher wages to labour
- Replacement of vehicles
1986-87 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Under rule 66 of ICAR, the ICAR constituted the Management Committee of CICR with the following persons:
- Dr. N. L. Bhale, Director, CICR, Nagpur— Chairman.
- Dr. C. Kempanna, Asstt. Director General (CC), ICAR, New Delhi— Member.
- Dr. V. Sundaram, Director,CTRL, Bombay—Member.
- Dr. M. A. Tayyab, PKV, Akola, Member.
- Shri D. S. Ranganathan, Accounts Officer, CTRL, Bombay—Mem¬ber.
- Dr. M. V. Sant, Project Coordi¬nator, ICDP (MS)—-Member.
- Director of Agriculture, Gujarat – Member.
- Shri Surindar Kumar, Progressive Farmer, Punjab State -Member.
- Dr C. G. Ashtekar, Progressive Farmer, M. S.—Member.
- Dr. P. C. Meenakshisundaram, Scientist S-3, CICR, RS, Coim¬batore—Member.
- Dr. J. G. Bhatt, Scientist S-3, CICR, RS, Coimbatore–Member.
- Dr. Sheoraj, Scientist S-3, CICR, Nagpur—M ember.
- Shri P. P. Pillai, Accounts Officer, CICR, Nagpur—Member.
During the year the Institute Management Committee met twice on 17 June, 1986 and 29 December, 1986 at Nagpur. In the 19th meeting the following items came up for detailed discussion.
- Funds required for PIRRCOM Scheme over and above the alloca¬tion of rupees 70 lakhs.
- Revised estimate for 1986-87 and budget estimate for 1987-88 under plan and non-plan
of the Institute.
- Midterm appriasal of the VII plan expenditure-inclusion of additional
Equipments / Expenditure.
- Engagement of casual labourers for not more than 40 days.
- Construction of community hall at ICAR Housing Complex-resub¬mission of proposals
1985-86 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Under Rule 66 of ICAR, the ICAR constituted the Management Committee of CICR with the following persons:
- Dr. N. L. Bbale, Director, C1CR. Nagpur — Chairman
- Dr. C. Kempanna. Asst. Director General (CC), ICAR, New Delhi. — Member
- Dr. V. Sundaram, Director, CTRL, Bombay — Member
- Dr. M. A. Tayyab, PKV, Akola. — Member
- Shri D. S. Ranganathan. Accounts Officer, CIRL, Bombay— Mem¬ber
- Dr. M. V. Sant, Project Co-ordi¬nator, ICDP(MS) — Member
- Director of Agriculture, Gujarat. — Member
- Shri Surinder Kumar, Progressive Farmer, Punjab State. — Member
- Dr. C. G. Ashtekar, Progressive Farmer M. S. — Member
- Dr. P. C. Meenakshisundaram, Scientist S-3, CICR, R. S., Coim¬batore — Member
- Dr. J. G. Bhatt. Scientist S-3. CICR, R.S, Coimbatore, Member
- Dr. N. P. Wankhede, Scientist
- CICR, Nagpur. — Member 13. Dr. Sheoraj, Scientist S-3, CICR, Nagpur — Member
- Shri P. P. Pillai, Accounts Officer, —Memeber
During the year the Institute Management Committee met twice on 17th and 18th July, 1985 and 7th January 1986 at CICR, Nagpur. In the meeting the following subjects came up for detailed discussions.
- Acquisition of additional land at Nagpur and Coimbatore.
- Construction of boundary wall at CICR, Regional Station, Sirsa.
- Works items at Regional Station, Sirsa.
- Irrigation channels.
- Extension of the existing building.
- VII Plan EFC Memo.
- Conversion of PIRRCOM and Cess Fund component as Non plan
- Pending items of Joint Staff Council.
- Review of the Research Pro¬gramme.
1984-85 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Under Rule 66 of ICAR, the ICAR constituted the management committee of C1CR with the following persons :
- Dr. N. L. Bhale, Director, CICR. Nagpur Chairman
- Dr. C. Kempanna, Asstt. Director General (CC), ICAR New Delhi Member
- Dr. V. Sundaram, Director, CTRL Bombay Member
- Dr M. A. Tayyab, PDKV, Akola Member
- Shri D, S. Ranganathan, Accounts Officer. CTRL, Bombay. Member
- Dr. M. V. Sant Project Coordinator ICDP, Maharashtra State Member
- Director of Agriculture, Gujarat Member
- Shri Surinder Kumar, Progressive farmer, Punjab State Member
- Dr. C. G. Ashtekar, Progressive farmer. Maharashtra State Member
- Dr. P. C. Meenakshisundaram. Scientist S-3, CICR, R.S. Member
- Dr. J. G. Bhatt, Scientist S-3, CICR RS.Coimbatore Member
- Dr. N. P. Wankhede, Scientist S-3, CICR, Nagpur Member
- Dr. Sheo Raj, Scientist S-3, CICR, Nagpur Member
- Shri P. P. Pillai. Accounts Officer, CICR,Nagpur Member Secretary
During the year the Institute Management Committee met twice on May 29th and 30th, 1984 and 17th and 18th July, 1985 at CICR, Nagpur. During the meet¬ing the following subjects came up for de¬tailed discussions.
- Acquisition of additional land at Nag¬pur and Coimbatore.
- Construction of A/C Room/Genera¬tor Room at Nagpur and Coimbatore respectively.
- Construction of workshop, earages. for vehicles at Nagpur
- Construction of Residential quarters at Sirsa and Coimbatore.
- Construction of Community Hall, Scientist Home at Nagpur and Coimbatore.
- Provision of two 52 sealer buses.
- VII Five Year Plan proposals. (EFC Memo).
- Budget estimate for 1985-86.
- Provision of Sr. Admn. Officer and Sr. Accounts Officer at Nagpur and AAO & AACO
at Coimbatore and Sirsa.
- Pending items of the Joint Staff Coun¬cil.
- Research projects review.
- Conversion of PIRRCOM and AP cess found component of the Non-¬Plan.
1983-84 :
Institute Management Committee (IMC)
Under Rule 66 of the ICAR, the ICAR constituted the Management Commit¬tee of CICR with the following persons.
- Dr. Chokhey Singh, Director, CICR. Nagpur — Chairman
- Dr. V. Sundaram, Director, CTRL. Bombay — Member
- Dr. C. Kempanna, ADG(CC), ICAR, New Delhi — Member
- Shri B. R. Barwale, Managing Director, Maharashtra Hybrids Seeds Co. Ltd. Bombay
– Member
- Dr. M. A. Tavyab Sr. Cotton Bree¬der, ICDP. PKV, Akola — Member
- Sh. Prem Nath Vij Punjab State Warehousing Corporation, Chandi¬garh — Member
- Dr. V. Sethnraman, Jt. Director Agril. Research, TNAU, Coimba¬tore-3 — Member
- Dr. M. V. Sant, Project Director, Integrated Cotton Devpt, Project. Maharashtra State,
Pune — Member
- Dr. R, Krishnaswami, Scientist S-3. CICR. RS, Coimbatore-3 — Member
- Dr. S. S. Narayanan, Scientist S-3 CICR, Nagpur — Member
- Sh, K. Shanmugham, Scientist S-2, CICR, RS, Coimbatore — Member
- Dr. P. Singh, Scientist S-1. CICR, Nagpur — Member
- Sh. K.V.R. Chary ulu, Accounts Officer, CIAE, Bhopal — Member
During the year (83-84) the Institute Management Committee met twice on Janu¬ary 4th and 5th, 1983 and May 23rd and 24th, 1983. During the meeting the follo¬wing subjects came up for detailed discus¬sion.
- Progress of Expenditure under Plan and Non-Plan.
- Construction of Buildings at Panjrl Farm.
- Conversion of AP Cess fund scheme to Plan,
- Functioning of Institute joint council and Grievance cell.
- Progress of construction works at Nagpur and Coimbatore.
- Implementation of Lab to Land Pro¬gramme.
- Implementation of ORP on Integrated pest management projects at Coim¬batore.
- Objectives of the Institute.
- Delegation of powers to PC and Head of Divisions
- Location and AICCIP Centre at Pachur.
- Budget proposals for 1983-84 in plan and non-Plan.
- Purchase of additional land for CICR, Nagpur.
- Purchase of equipment.
- Functioning of Staff Research Coun¬cil.